Logical Coding Program
Hi. I am prince Kumar today I am going to introduce how to become a good logical programmer.
It's very simple so please follow my strategy to become a good logical programmer. So I am going to teach you step-by-step.
step-1: Fast of all You have to know anyone programming language.
step-2: You have an idea about math. because all the logical program depends on math only.
So, You have an idea like calculations and basic Bord mass rule.
step-3: We have to practice basic Question related to
Operator and Conditional statement because all the logical Question depends upon the if, else, loop, switch,+,-,*,/,%, and so many like those things.
So, I am going to suggest you practice basic and advance level Questions also.
step-4: After that, you automatically realize I can do any kind of the question because of your basic confidence. then you start the online doing question are available on the website.
Like Website is:
step-5: Keep is habit continually than one day you become a good logical programmer.
Then you can learn an advance book for solving the real-life problem Question.
You have to prefer a book like:
1.Data Structures
2.Think in java
3. Algorithm design pattern
4. And finally doing this continues.
This is My Story:
I am prince Kumar. When I was in college 2nd year at that time I don't know even what is logical programming. After then I started my doing logical programming at that time I only remember the code and logic than I am able to write the code.
But after someday my teacher told me if you remember the code and logic than you never become a good programmer. That time I realize. if you want to become a good programmer than stop remembering the code and logic. your mind should be dynamically to understand the requirement than apply to generate the logic for this particular requirement.
Like that, I am doing every day so after someday, I feel I don't want to remember the code just think about your logic and requirements.
Now a day I have good confidence. I am able to write any kind of logic and program very easily. also, a simple way because of my basic knowledge is very good.
So, In this Section, I am going to cover all the logical program on this page.
So, You have an idea like calculations and basic Bord mass rule.
step-3: We have to practice basic Question related to
Operator and Conditional statement because all the logical Question depends upon the if, else, loop, switch,+,-,*,/,%, and so many like those things.
So, I am going to suggest you practice basic and advance level Questions also.
step-4: After that, you automatically realize I can do any kind of the question because of your basic confidence. then you start the online doing question are available on the website.
Like Website is:
Like that so many platforms are available to test your skill of programming.
step-5: Keep is habit continually than one day you become a good logical programmer.
Then you can learn an advance book for solving the real-life problem Question.
You have to prefer a book like:
1.Data Structures
2.Think in java
3. Algorithm design pattern
4. And finally doing this continues.
This is My Story:
I am prince Kumar. When I was in college 2nd year at that time I don't know even what is logical programming. After then I started my doing logical programming at that time I only remember the code and logic than I am able to write the code.
But after someday my teacher told me if you remember the code and logic than you never become a good programmer. That time I realize. if you want to become a good programmer than stop remembering the code and logic. your mind should be dynamically to understand the requirement than apply to generate the logic for this particular requirement.
Like that, I am doing every day so after someday, I feel I don't want to remember the code just think about your logic and requirements.
Now a day I have good confidence. I am able to write any kind of logic and program very easily. also, a simple way because of my basic knowledge is very good.
So, In this Section, I am going to cover all the logical program on this page.
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