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Top 50 HTML Interview Question (Most popular in the interview) | important html interview question

😀  Hello everyone. As you all know that to build a software project there are 3 Major categories to develop.😂 1.Front End  2.Middle Ware 3.Back End To crack the interview in front-end technology am going to give top FAQs which take place in your Let's start now. TOPMOST FAQ's IN HTML   The first question raised by the interviewer is 1)What is HTML? HTML is a HyperText Markup Language. It is used for the creation and display of attractive, interactive, and dynamic web pages. By Tim Berners Lee's father of web environment. 2)What is the importance of Doctype in HTML? ​It is written at the top of the HTML document.​It is not a tag.​It tells the browser about the HTML version. 3)Define a TAG. ​A Tag or Element is said to be the text placed between Left angular brace " <" and right angular brace " >".   Syntax :   < .......... >    :     < html>   Do you know there are two types of ...