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Difference between Traditional programming languages and object-oriented programming languages..?

 What are Traditional programming languages and object-oriented programming languages..?

Difference between Traditional programming language 
and object-oriented programming language

Here....what is Traditional programming language and object-oriented programming language..?


Difference between Traditional programming language to help you make the new concepts, you are learning 

          as a beginner to  become a Master in any programming it's really very most important:

Traditional programming language

1.Traditional computer programming has been around for more than a 

    century, with the first known computer program dating back to the mid-1800s. 

2.Traditional Programming refers to any manually created program 

   that uses input data and runs on a computer to produce the output.

3.But for decades now, an advanced type of programming has revolutionized 

   business, particularly in the areas of intelligence and embedded analytics. 


   This yields powerful insights that can be used to predict future outcomes.

4.Traditional programming is a manual process—meaning a person (programmer) creates the program. But without anyone programming the 

   logic, one has to manually formulate or code rules.


Object-Oriented Programming:

1.Object oriented programming can be defined as a programming model 

   which is based upon the concept of objects. Objects contain data in the 

   form of attributes and code in the form of methods. In object oriented 

   programming, computer programs are designed using the concept of 

   objects that interact with real world. 

2.In object oriented programming, program is divided into small parts called objects.

3.Object oriented programming follows bottom up approach.

4.Object oriented programming have access specifiers like private, public, protected etc.

5.Adding new data and functions is easy and Object-oriented programming provides data hiding so it is more secure.

6.Overloading is possible in object oriented programming and In object oriented programming, data is more important than function.

7.Object oriented programming is based on real world.Examples: C++, Java, Python, C# etc.

Conclusion-In this tutorial you will have learn What is Traditional programming 

                language and object oriented programming language or

                Difference between Traditional programming language and object oriented programming language

                So hope you liked this tutorials. If you have any questions or suggestions related to any 

                programming languages, please comment below and let us know.

                Finally,if you find this post informative, then share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. 

 Thank you...


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